That Little Girl

That little girl, had such tiny locks,
That little girl, wore such itty-bitty crocs.
That little girl, was so very meek,
That little girl, many sweets she would seek.
That little girl, had eyes filled with wonder,
That little girl, would be scared of a little thunder.
That little girl, was not that good at speaking,
That little girl, found surprises and would be left peeking.
That little girl, would sometimes be scared,
That little girl, didn’t realise many people cared.
That little girl, was not that worried about looks,
That little girl, listened to many stories read to her from books.
That little girl, knew almost nothing of the future,
That little girl, thought she was a nearby watcher.
That little girl, now is growing up,
That little girl, now grown up, is writing this, sipping at her cup.



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